Body Contouring


Kybella is a non-invasive procedure that uses injectable deoxycholic acid to dissolve or saponify fat cells, and is best used to reduce small volumes of stubborn fat, such as the ‘double chin,’ or the ‘bra fat.’ Significant swelling for 1-2 weeks is normal, and repeated treatment may be necessary to achieve your goals.



Neck liposuction using tumescent anesthesia is a safe and effective procedure to reduce an unwanted 'double chin' in select patients with good skin tone. The procedure involves comfortably numbing the 'double chin' area with a dilute local anesthetic solution, and then creating small entry points on both sides of the angle of the jawline and under the chin to gently suction the excess fat. The procedure is completed in approximately 2-3 hours, depending on the extent of fat removal, and a compression dressing is then applied for approximately a week. Bruising and swelling is expected and resolves within 1-2 weeks, and the ultimate result is achieved at the 3 month point when the wound healing process is complete.