General Dermatology

Acne/Acne Scars

Acne, acne-like disorders, and acne scars are a common skin problem that affect people of all age groups, and are often not only socially distressing but can be associated with pain, tenderness and bleeding. Our approach to acne and acne scarring considers identifying and excluding possible triggers, and treatment that includes lifestyle changes, medication, as well as laser and surgical procedures, if necessary.


Eczema, and Other Rashes

Eczema and other rashes are inflammatory skin disorders that may be itchy, unsightly, and not only impair one’s quality of life, but at times may be a sign of an internal disease that warrants evaluation by a board-certified dermatologist. Dr. Soon employs a stepwise evaluation of inflammatory skin disorders and partners with other specialists in the community to provide a team approach to treatment.


Skin Examination for Skin Cancer Detection

Regular skin examinations for the early detection of skin cancer is important, particularly in sunny San Diego where we receive relatively more intense ultraviolet radiation exposure that is associated with skin cancer. It is good practice to examine your entire body, including your feet and between your toes, and to see your board-certified dermatologist if you notice any areas that exhibit worrisome signs such as a spot that is new, growing, scabbing, bleeding, or changing shape or color. In addition to visual assessment, we use dermoscopy to increase our diagnostic sensitivity.